All our training courses are suitable for group sizes from 4 to 12 attendees. Normally we deliver training at your premises, but if this is not practical for you we can arrange and hire a conference room on your behalf.
Our standard course delivery is 4 hours, and most courses can be extended if you require more in-depth coverage of the subject matter. Our "Fair Follow-up" pricing is applicable if you top up a short course to its longer version.
For full details on any course, click the "Download Factsheet" button. We are always happy to discuss your particular needs and tailor course content to deliver the maximum benefit - just get in touch.

Developing Personal Resilience
We live in turbulent times. Employees at all levels need inner strengths to help them thrive in challenging working conditions. The answer lies in personal resilience: the ability to bounce back from adversity. Resilience skills enable individuals to remain focused and productive while experiencing change.
Mind Over Matter
Stress in the workplace impacts both the individual and the organisation. The very word has a negative image and many do not want to admit their experiences; this can lead to physical and psychological problems. However, stress can be perceived positively as motivating and stimulating!
Learn to engage stress successfully and transform your workplace.

Communication Skills
It seems so simple: say what you mean. Yet communication is rarely just an exchange of information; it is often about understanding the emotions and intentions behind that information.
Developing effective communication and listening skills deepens our connections to others and enables you to communicate difficult messages without creating conflict or destroying trust.
Time Management
There never seem to be enough hours in the day to get what we want done. Time management is a familiar concept, but to put it into practice you need to understand why it is that we struggle to manage our time well. Applying the knowledge and strategies from this course will help you strategically organise your time for your work and your own professional growth.

Personal Change Management
In most organisations change has become a part of everyday working life. However, our personal attitudes to change have a huge impact on how we react to and cope with it. By understanding how we are affected by change, we can turn organisational upheaval from “a rearrangement of the chairs” into a successful transition that delivers benefits for ourselves and our colleagues.
"Win-win" Appraisals
Reviewing an employee’s performance is a critical function of a manager but for many is a daunting task. Research shows that proper training boosts managers’ confidence and yields more accurate performance ratings that are perceived as fairer and more accurate. The right skills also enable managers to handle difficult appraisal judgements, and communicate more effectively with staff.